D&I Events
Speak up and speak true
We are active in the games industry by disseminating knowledge and sharing testimonials of underrepresented groups.
Breaking The Bias: Knowledge sharing and networking event organized by IOI and hosted at DevHub in Malmö, with a talk from Technical Executive Producer, Cristina Vega, on how to break the bias women carry in the games industry.

Women In Games event: This event was organized and hosted by IOI Copenhagen, with more than 100 women present.
Navigating Leadership: Fireside Chat & Mixer: IO Interactive Malmö hosted this event to promote, discuss and inspire female leadership in the games industry, in collaboration with GEM.

WomenHack 2021: IOI sponsored the event which has as a main mission to empower women in the tech industry.
Accessibility: Talk on building accessible games, by Senior UI Programmer Joshua Flitcroft, at Nordic Game Conference. Learn more about to accessibility in our games.